The Theosophy
King Arthur Pages
to Guinevere
The Prophecy of Merlin
From Geoffrey of Monmouth’s
History of the Kings of
III.--The Prophecy of Merlin.
As Vortigern,
king of the Britons, was sitting upon the bank of the drained pond, the two
dragons, one of which was white, the other red, came forth, and, approaching
one another, began a terrible fight, and cast forth fire with their breath. But
the white dragon had the advantage, and made the other fly to the end of the
lake. And he, for grief at his flight, renewed the assault upon his pursuer,
and forced him to retire. After this battle of the dragons, the king commanded
Ambrose Merlin to tell him what it portended. Upon which he, bursting into
tears, delivered what his prophetical spirit suggested to him, as follows:--
"Woe to
the red dragon, for his banishment hasteneth on. His lurking holes shall be
seized by the white dragon, which signifies the Saxons whom you invited over;
but the red denotes the British nation, which shall be oppressed by the white.
Therefore shall
its mountains be levelled as the valleys, and the rivers of the valleys shall
run with blood. The exercise of religion shall be destroyed, and churches be
laid open to ruin. At last the oppressed shall prevail, and oppose the cruelty
of foreigners. For a boar of
The house of
Romulus shall dread his courage, and his end shall be doubtful. He shall be
celebrated in the mouths of the people; and his exploits shall be food to those
that relate them. Six of his posterity shall sway the sceptre, but after them
shall arise a German worm. He shall be advanced by a sea-wolf, whom the woods of
Africa shall accompany.
Religion shall
be again abolished, and there shall be a translation of the metropolitan sees.
The dignity of London shall adorn Dorobernia, and the seventh pastor of York
shall be resorted to in the kingdom of Armorica. Menevia shall put on the pall
of the City of Legions, and a preacher of Ireland shall be dumb on account of
an infant growing in the womb. It shall rain a shower of blood, and a raging
famine shall afflict mankind. When these things happen, the red one shall be grieved;
but when his fatigue is over, shall grow strong. Then shall misfortunes hasten
upon the white one, and the buildings of his gardens shall be pulled down.
Seven that sway the sceptre shall be killed, one of whom shall become a saint.
The wombs of mothers shall be ripped up, and infants be abortive. There shall
be a most grievous punishment of men, that the natives may be restored. He that
shall do these things shall put on the brazen man, and upon a brazen horse
shall for a long time guard the gates of London. After this, shall the red
dragon return to his proper manners, and turn his rage upon himself. Therefore
shall the revenge of the Thunderer show itself, for every field shall
disappoint the husbandmen.
shall snatch away the people, and make a desolation over all countries. The
remainder shall quit their native soil, and make foreign plantations. A blessed
king shall prepare a fleet, and shall be reckoned the twelfth in the court
among the saints. There shall be a miserable desolation of the kingdom, and the
floors of the harvests shall return to the fruitful forests. The white dragon
shall rise again, and invite over a daughter of Germany. Our gardens shall be
again replenished with foreign seed, and the red one shall pine away at the end
of the pond. After that, shall the German worm be crowned, and the brazen
prince buried. He has his bounds assigned to him, which he shall not be able to
pass. For a hundred and fifty years he shall continue in trouble and
subjection, but shall bear sway three hundred.
Then shall the
North Wind rise against him, and shall snatch away the flowers which the west
wind produced. There shall be gilding in the temples, nor shall the edge of the
sword cease. The German dragon shall hardly get to his holes, because the
revenge of his treason shall overtake him. At last he shall flourish for a
little time, but the decimation of Neustria shall hurt him. For a people in
wood and in iron coats shall come, and revenge upon him his wickedness. They
shall restore the ancient inhabitants to their dwellings, and there shall be an
open destruction of foreigners. The seed of the white dragon shall be swept out
of our gardens, and the remainder of his generation shall be decimated. They
shall bear the yoke of slavery, and wound their mother with spades and ploughs.
After this shall succeed two dragons, whereof one shall be killed with the
sting of envy, but the other shall return under the shadow of a name.
Then shall
succeed a lion of justice, at whose roar the Gallican towers and the island
dragons shall tremble.
In those days
gold shall be squeezed from the lily and the nettle, and silver shall flow from
the hoofs of bellowing cattle. The frizzled shall put on various fleeces, and
the outward habit denote the inward parts. The feet of barkers shall be cut
off; wild beasts shall enjoy peace; mankind shall be grieved at their
punishment; the form of commerce shall be divided; the half shall be round. The
ravenousness of kites shall be destroyed, and the teeth of wolves blunted. The
lion's whelps shall be transformed into sea-fishes; and an eagle shall build
her nest upon
Piety shall
hurt the possessor of things got by impiety, till he shall have put on his
Father: therefore, being armed with the teeth of a boar, he shall ascend above the
tops of mountains, and the shadow of him that wears a helmet.
shall be
enraged, and, assembling her neighbours, shall be employed in shedding blood.
There shall be put into her jaws a bridle that shall be made on the coast of
that oppose
them, and shall cut off the tongues of bulls. They shall load the necks of
roaring lions with chains, and restore the times of their ancestors.
Then from the
first to the fourth, from the fourth to the third, from the third to the
second, the thumb shall roll in oil. The sixth shall overturn the walls of
He shall
reduce several parts to one, and be crowned with the head of a lion. His
beginning shall lay open to wandering affection, but his end shall carry him up
to the blessed, who are above.
For he shall
restore the seats of saints in their countries, and settle pastors in
convenient places. Two cities he shall invest with two palls, and shall bestow
virgin-presents upon virgins. He shall merit by this the favour of the
Thunderer, and shall be placed among the saints. From him shall proceed a lynx
penetrating all things, who shall be bent upon the ruin of his own nation; for,
through him,
joy; and the
oaks of
From Conan
shall proceed a warlike boar, that shall exercise the sharpness of his tusks
within the Gallic woods. For he shall cut down all the larger oaks, and shall
be a defence to the smaller. The Arabians and Africans shall dread him; for he
shall pursue his furious course to the farther part of
The camp of
Venus shall be restored; nor shall the arrows of Cupid cease to wound. The
fountain of a river shall be turned into blood; and two kings shall fight a
duel at
Famine shall
again return; mortality shall return; and the inhabitants shall grieve for the
destruction of their cities. Then shall come the board of commerce, who shall
recall the scattered flocks to the pasture they had lost. His breast shall be
food to the
hungry, and his tongue drink to the thirsty. Out of his mouth shall flow
rivers, that shall water the parched jaws of men. After this shall be produced
a tree upon the
The Severn sea
shall discharge itself through seven mouths, and the river Uske burn seven
Fishes shall
die with the heat thereof; and of them shall be engendered serpents. The Baths
of Badon shall grow cold, and their salubrious waters engender death. London
shall mourn for the death of twenty thousand; and the river Thames shall be
turned into blood. The monks in their cowls shall be forced to marry, and their
cry shall be heard upon the mountains of the Alps."
Chapter IV The
Continuation of the Prophecy.
springs shall break forth in the city of Winchester, whose rivulets shall
divide the island into three parts. Whoever shall drink of the first, shall
enjoy long life, and shall never be afflicted with sickness. He that shall
drink of the second, shall die of hunger, and paleness and horror shall sit in
his countenance. He that shall drink of the third, shall be surprised with
sudden death, neither shall his body be capable of burial.
Those that are
willing to escape so great a surfeit, will endeavour to hide it with several coverings:
but whatever bulk shall be laid upon it, shall receive the form of another
body. For earth shall be turned into stones; stones into water; wood into
ashes; ashes into water, if cast over it. Also a damsel shall be sent from the
city of the forest of Canute to administer a cure, who, after she shall have
practised all her arts, shall dry up the noxious fountains only with her
breath. Afterwards, as soon as she shall have refreshed herself with the
wholesome liquor, she shall bear in her right hand the wood of Caledon, and in
her left the forts of the walls of London. Wherever she shall go, she shall
make sulphureous steps, which will smoke with a double flame. That smoke shall
rouse up the city of Ruteni, and shall make food for the inhabitants of the
deep. She shall overflow with rueful tears, and shall fill the island with her
dreadful cry.
She shall be
killed by a hart with ten branches, four of which shall bear golden diadems;
the other six
shall be turned into buffalo's horns, whose hideous sound shall astonish the
three islands of Britain. The Daneian wood shall be stirred up, and breaking
forth into a human voice, shall cry: Come, O Cambria, and join Cornwall
to thy side,
and say to Winchester, the earth shall swallow thee up. Translate the seat of
thy pastor to the place where ships come to harbour, and the rest of the
members will follow the head. For the day hasteneth, in which thy citizens
shall perish on account of the guilt of perjury.
The whiteness
of wool has been hurtful to thee, and the variety of its tinctures. Woe to the
perjured nation, for whose sake the renowned city shall come to ruin. The ships
shall rejoice at so great an augmentation, and one shall be made out of two. It
shall be rebuilt by Eric, loaden with apples, to the smell whereof the birds of
several woods shall flock together. He shall add to it a vast palace, and wall
it round with six hundred towers. Therefore shall London envy it, and triply
increase her walls. The river Thames shall encompass it round, and the fame of
the work shall pass beyond the Alps. Eric shall hide his apples within it, and
shall make
At that time
shall the stones speak, and the sea towards the Gallic coast be contracted into
a narrow space. On each bank shall one man hear another, and the soil of the
island shall be enlarged. The secrets of the deep shall be revealed, and Gaul
shall tremble for fear. After these things shall come forth a hern from the
forest of Calaterium, which shall fly round the island for two years together.
With her nocturnal cry she shall call together the winged kind, and assemble to
her all sorts of fowls.
They shall
invade the tillage of husbandmen, and devour all the grain of the harvests.
Then shall follow a famine upon the people, and a grievous mortality upon the
famine. But when this calamity shall be over, a detestable bird shall go to the
valley of Galabes, and shall raise it to be a high mountain. Upon the top
thereof it shall also plant an oak, and build its nest in its branches.
Three eggs
shall be produced in the nest, from whence shall come forth a fox, a wolf, and
a bear.
The fox shall
devour her mother, and bear the head of an ass. In this monstrous form shall
she frighten her brothers, and make them fly into Neustria. But they shall stir
up the tusky boar, and returning in a fleet shall encounter with the fox; who
at the beginning of the fight shall feign herself dead, and move the boar to
Then shall the
boar approach her carcass, and standing over her, shall breathe upon her face
and eyes. But she, not forgetting her cunning, shall bite his left foot, and
pluck it off from his body. Then shall she leap upon him, and snatch away his
right ear and tail, and hide herself in the caverns of the mountains. Therefore
shall the deluded boar require the wolf and bear to restore him his members;
who, as soon as they shall enter into the
cause, shall
promise two feet of the fox, together with the ear and tail, and of these they
shall make up the members of a hog. With this he shall be satisfied, and expect
the promised restitution. In the meantime shall the fox descend from the
mountains, and change herself into a wolf, and under pretence of holding a
conference with the boar, she shall go to him, and craftily devour him.
After that she
shall transform herself into a boar, and feigning a loss of some members, shall
wait for her brothers; but as soon as they are come, she shall suddenly kill
them with her tusks, and shall be crowned with the head of a lion.
In her days
shall a serpent be brought forth, which shall be a destroyer of mankind. With
its length it shall encompass London, and devour all that pass by it. The
mountain ox shall take the head of a wolf, and whiten his teeth in the Severn.
He shall
gather to him the flocks of Albania and Cambria, which shall drink the river
Thames dry. The ass shall call the goat with the long beard, and shall borrow
his shape. Therefore shall the mountain ox be incensed, and having called the
wolf, shall become a horned bull against them. In the exercise of his cruelty
he shall devour their flesh and bones, but shall be burned upon the top of
Urian. The ashes of his funeral-pyre shall be turned into swans, that shall
swim on dry ground as on a river. They shall devour fishes in fishes, and
swallow up men in men.
But when old
age shall come upon them, they shall become sea-wolves, and practise their
frauds in the deep. They shall drown ships, and collect no small quantity of
silver. The Thames shall again flow, and assembling together the rivers, shall
pass beyond the bounds of its channel. It shall cover the adjacent cities, and
overturn the mountains that oppose its course. Being full of deceit and
wickedness, it shall make use of the fountain Galabes. Hence shall arise factions
provoking the Venedotians to war. The oaks of the forest shall meet together,
and encounter the rocks of the Gewisseans. A raven shall attend with the kites,
and devour the carcasses of the slain. An owl shall build her nest upon the
walls of Gloucester, and in her nest shall be brought forth an
The serpent of
Malvernia shall bring him up, and put him upon many fraudulent practices.
Having taken the crown, he shall ascend on high, and
frighten the people
of the country with his hideous braying. In his days shall the Pachaian
mountains tremble, and the provinces be deprived of their woods.
For there
shall come a worm with a fiery breath, and with the vapour it sends forth shall
burn up the trees. Out of it shall proceed seven lions deformed with the heads
of goats. With the stench of their nostrils they shall corrupt women, and make
wives turn common prostitutes. The father shall not know his own son, because
they shall grow wanton like brute beasts. Then shall come the giant of
wickedness, and terrify all with the sharpness of his eyes.
Against him
shall arise the dragon of Worcester, and shall endeavour to banish him. But in
engagement the
dragon shall be worsted, and oppressed by the wickedness of the conqueror. For
he shall mount upon the dragon, and putting off his garment shall sit upon him
naked. The dragon shall bear him up on high, and beat his naked
rider with his
tail erected. Upon this the giant rousing up his whole strength, shall break
his jaws with his sword. At last the dragon shall fold itself up under its
tail, and die of poison. After him shall succeed the boar of Totness, and
oppress the people with grievous tyranny. Gloucester shall send forth a lion,
and shall disturb him in his cruelty, in several battles.
He shall
trample him under his feet, and terrify him with open jaws. At last the lion
shall quarrel with the kingdom, and get upon the backs of the nobility. A bull
shall come into the quarrel, and strike the lion with his right foot. He shall
him through
all the inns in the kingdom, but shall break his horns against the walls of
Oxford. The fox of Kaerdubalem shall take revenge on the lion, and destroy him
entirely with her teeth. She shall be encompassed by the adder of Lincoln, who
with a horrible hiss shall give notice of his presence to a
multitude of
Then shall the
dragons encounter, and tear one another to pieces. The winged shall oppress
that which wants wings, and fasten its claws into the poisonous cheeks. Others
shall come into the quarrel, and kill one another.
A fifth shall
succeed those that are slain, and by various stratagems shall destroy the rest.
He shall get upon the back of one with his sword, and
sever his head
from his body. Then throwing off his garment, he shall get upon
another, and
put his right and left hand upon his tail. Thus being naked shall he overcome
him, whom when clothed he was not able to deal with. The rest he shall gall in
their flight, and drive them round the kingdom. Upon this shall come a roaring
lion dreadful for his monstrous cruelty. Fifteen parts shall he reduce to one,
and shall alone possess the people. The giant of the snow white colour shall
shine, and cause the white people to flourish.
Pleasures shall
effeminate the princes, and they shall suddenly be changed into beasts. Among
them shall
arise a lion swelled with human gore. Under him shall a reaper be placed in the
standing corn, who, while he is reaping, shall be oppressed by him. A
charioteer of York shall appease them, and having banished his lord, shall
mount upon the chariot which he shall drive. With his sword unsheathed shall he
threaten the East, and fill the tracks of his wheels with blood.
Afterwards he
shall become a sea-fish, who, being roused up with the hissing of a serpent,
shall engender with him. From hence shall be produced three thundering bulls,
who having eaten up their pastures shall be turned into trees.
The first
shall carry a whip of vipers, and turn his back upon the next. He shall
endeavour to snatch away the whip, but shall be taken by the last. They
shall turn
away their faces from one another, till they have thrown away the poisoned cup.
To him shall succeed a husbandman of Albania, at whose back shall be a serpent.
He shall be employed in ploughing the ground,
that the country may
become white
with corn.
The serpent
shall endeavour to diffuse his poison, in order to blast the harvest. A
grievous mortality shall sweep away the people, and the walls of cities shall
be made desolate.
There shall be
given for a remedy the city of Claudius, which shall interpose the nurse of the
For she shall
bear a dose of medicine, and in a short time the island shall be restored. Then
shall two successively sway the sceptre, whom a horned dragon shall serve. One
shall come in armour, and shall ride upon a flying serpent. He shall sit upon
his back with his naked body, and cast his right hand upon his tail. With his
cry shall the seas be moved, and he shall strike terror into the second. The
second therefore shall enter into confederacy with the lion; but a quarrel
happening, they shall encounter one another. They shall distress one
another, but
the courage of the beast shall gain the advantage. Then shall come one with a
drum, and appease the rage of the lion. Therefore shall the people of the
kingdom be at peace, and provoke the lion to a dose of physic.
In his
established seat he shall adjust the weights, but shall stretch out his hands
into Albania. For which reason the Northern provinces shall be grieved, and
open the gates of the temples. The sign-bearing wolf shall lead his troops, and
Cornwall with his tail. He shall be opposed by a soldier in a chariot, who
shall transform that people into a boar. The boar therefore shall ravage the
provinces, but shall hide his head in the depth of Severn. A man shall embrace
the lion in wine, and the dazzling brightness of gold shall blind the eyes of
beholders. Silver shall whiten in the circumference, and torment several wine
presses. Men shall be drunk with wine, and, regardless of heaven, shall be
intent upon the earth. From them shall the stars turn away their faces, and
confound their usual course. Corn will wither at their malign aspects; and
there shall fall no dew from heaven. The roots and branches will change their
places, and the novelty of the thing shall pass for a miracle. The brightness
of the sun shall fade at the amber of Mercury, and horror shall seize the
beholders. Stilbon of Arcadia shall change his shield; the helmet of Mars shall
call Venus.
The helmet of
Mars shall make a shadow; and the rage of Mercury pass his bounds. Iron Orion
shall unsheath his sword: the marine Phoebus shall torment the clouds; Jupiter
shall go out of his lawful paths; and Venus forsake her stated
lines. The
malignity of the star Saturn shall fall down in rain, and slay mankind with a
crooked sickle. The twelve houses of the star shall lament the irregular
excursions of their guests; and Gemini omit their usual embraces, and call the
urn to the fountains. The scales of Libra shall hang obliquely, till Aries puts
his crooked horns under them. The tail of Scorpio shall produce lightning, and
Cancer quarrel with the Sun. Virgo shall mount upon the back of Sagittarius,
and darken her virgin flowers.
The chariot of
the Moon shall disorder the zodiac, and the Pleiades break forth into weeping.
No offices of Janus shall hereafter return, but his gate being shut shall lie
hid in the chinks of Ariadne. The seas shall rise up in the twinkling of an
eye, and the dust of ancients shall be restored. The winds shall fight together
with a dreadful blast, and their sound shall reach the stars.
Arthur &
Round Table
& The Tree of Life
Merlin the Magician
Born circa 400 CE ; Welsh: Myrddin;
Latin: Merlinus; English: Merlin.
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and Legendary Blues Singers.
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by Theosophical writers
Provided in response to the large
number of enquiries we receive at
Cardiff Theosophical Society on this subject
The Voice of the Silence Website
Lentil burgers, a
thousand press ups before breakfast and
the daily 25 mile
run may put it off for a while but death
seems to get most
of us in the end. We are pleased to
present for your
consideration, a definitive work on the
subject by a
Student of Katherine Tingley entitled
It’s all “water
under the bridge” but everything you do
makes an imprint
on the Space-Time Continuum.
Aardvarks were harmed in the
Within the
British Isles, The Adyar Theosophical Society has Groups in;
of Man*Lancaster*Leeds*Leicester
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The Theosophy Cardiff Guide to
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Views of Glastonbury High Street
The Theosophy Cardiff Guide to
Camberley, Surrey, England GU15 2LF
Concerns about the fate of the
wildlife as
Tekels Park is to be Sold to a
Concerns are raised about the fate of
wildlife as The Spiritual Retreat,
Tekels Park in Camberley, Surrey,
England is to be sold to a developer.
Tekels Park is a 50 acre woodland
purchased for the Adyar Theosophical
In addition to concern about the
many are worried about the future
of the Tekels Park Deer as they
Confusion as the Theoversity moves out of
Tekels Park to Southampton, Glastonbury &
Chorley in Lancashire while the leadership claim
that the Theosophical Society will carry on
Tekels Park despite its sale to a developer
Anyone planning a “Spiritual” stay at
Tekels Park Guest House should be
aware of the sale.
of Tekels Park Badgers in Doubt
Party On!
Tekels Park Theosophy NOT
Tekels Park & the Loch Ness Monster
A Satirical view of
the sale of Tekels Park
in Camberley, Surrey
to a developer
The Toff’s Guide to the Sale of Tekels Park
What the men in top
hats have to
say about the sale
of Tekels Park
An Outline of Theosophy
Charles Webster Leadbeater
Theosophy - What it is How is it Known?
The Method of Observation General Principles
The Three Great Truths Advantage Gained from this Knowledge
The Deity
The Divine Scheme The Constitution of Man
The True Man
The Wider Outlook
Death Man’s Past and Future Cause and Effect
Complete Theosophical Glossary in Plain Text Format
This guide has been included in response
to the number of enquiries we receive on
subject at Cardiff Theosophical Society
From A Textbook
of Theosophy By C W Leadbeater
How We Remember our Past Lives
Life after Death & Reincarnation
The Slaughter of the Battle of the Somme
1916 leads to
a great demand by the public for
lectures on Reincarnation
Classic Introductory Theosophy Text
A Text Book of Theosophy By C
What Theosophy Is From the Absolute to Man
The Formation of a Solar System The Evolution of Life
The Constitution of Man After Death
The Purpose of Life The Planetary Chains
The Result of Theosophical Study
Preface to the American Edition Introduction
Occultism and its Adepts The Theosophical Society
First Occult Experiences Teachings of Occult Philosophy
Later Occult Phenomena Appendix
Theosophy and the Masters General Principles
The Earth Chain Body and Astral Body Kama – Desire
Manas Of Reincarnation Reincarnation Continued
Karma Kama Loka
Arguments Supporting Reincarnation
Differentiation Of Species Missing Links
Psychic Laws, Forces, and Phenomena
Psychic Phenomena and Spiritualism
Quick Explanations with Links to More Detailed Info
What is Theosophy ? Theosophy Defined (More Detail)
Three Fundamental Propositions Key Concepts of Theosophy
Cosmogenesis Anthropogenesis Root Races
Ascended Masters After Death States
The Seven Principles of Man Karma
Reincarnation Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
Colonel Henry Steel Olcott William Quan Judge
The Start of the Theosophical
History of the Theosophical
Theosophical Society Presidents
History of the Theosophical
Society in Wales
The Three Objectives of the
Theosophical Society
Explanation of the Theosophical
Society Emblem
The Theosophical Order of
Service (TOS)
Glossaries of Theosophical Terms
of Searchable
Text Versions of
H P Blavatsky’s Secret Doctrine
Isis Unveiled by H P Blavatsky
H P Blavatsky’s Esoteric Glossary
Mahatma Letters to A P Sinnett 1 - 25
A Modern Revival of Ancient Wisdom
(Selection of Articles by H P Blavatsky)
The Secret Doctrine – Volume 3
A compilation of H P Blavatsky’s
writings published after her death
Esoteric Christianity or the Lesser Mysteries
The Early Teachings of The Masters
A Collection of Fugitive Fragments
Fundamentals of the Esoteric Philosophy
Philosophical, Theosophical, Historical
and Scientific
Essays Selected from "The Theosophist"
Edited by George
Robert Stow Mead
From Talks on the Path of Occultism - Vol. II
In the Twilight”
Series of Articles
The In the
Twilight” series appeared during
1898 in The
Theosophical Review and
from 1909-1913
in The Theosophist.
compiled from
information supplied by
her relatives
and friends and edited by A P Sinnett
Letters and
Talks on Theosophy and the Theosophical Life
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